Government in Action Award

Previous Award Recipients:

2016 | Judge Jennifer Brunner & The Honorable Yvette McGee Brown
2017 | Justice Sharon L. Kennedy
2018 | Justice Mary DeGenaro
2019 | The Honorable Nancy Hardin Rogers
2020 | Justice Melody Stewart
2021 | Sherry Maxfield
2022 | Chief Justice Maureen O'Connor
2023 | Sarah Pomeroy 
2024| Hilary Damaser 

Congratulations to the 2024 Government in Action Award Winner Hilary Damaser


This award seeks to promote advancement and leadership opportunities for women working in both government and government related positions. The award honors a woman who has demonstrated strong leadership by promoting opportunities for the advancement of women and who has been influential in the public sector and in the community she serves.

Application Question:

Describe how the applicant has promoted the advancement and leadership opportunities for women working in both government and government related positions.



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